Cleveland speech therapists

Cleveland Speech Therapists on How Feeding Problems Can Become Speech Problems

When a child has issues with feeding & swallowing, these can often lead to speech & language issues – especially if untreated. The Cleveland speech therapists at Therapy & Wellness Connection treat both kids with feeding and swallowing problems as…

Cleveland speech therapy

Cleveland Speech Therapy for Kids With Deletion Syndrome

As providers of Cleveland speech therapy, our team at Therapy & Wellness Connection treats children with a broad range of speech-language delays and disorders. One condition that is common – but often underrecognized – and correlated with impaired language development…

Akron child speech delays

Speech Delays Higher Among Ohio Kids Whose Early Years Were During Pandemic

Kids in Ohio (and across the world) who were born or spent some of their earliest years as the COVID-19 pandemic swept the globe are now showing signs of developmental delays. In particular, researchers are noting higher rates of communication…

preschool language disorders Cleveland

How Cleveland Speech Therapists Help Treat Preschool Language Disorders

Most babies and toddlers will understand what is being communicated with them long before they’re able to clearly communicate back. All kids develop speech and language skills at varied paces, but some struggle more than others with understanding what is…

Brecksville speech therapy

Brecksville Speech Therapy Team on Social Pragmatic Communication Disorder

Our Brecksville speech therapy team have successfully treated many kids with social pragmatic communication disorder. It’s a condition characterized by significant challenges with both verbal and nonverbal communication used regularly in social settings. Social-communication trouble can be associated with other…

Akron speech therapist

Akron Speech Therapist Tips for That Tricky “R” Sound

“Arrgh, matey!” Did you know the R sound has as many as 32 sound type variations in the English North American accent. As any Akron speech therapists can tell you, R is one of the most commonly used sounds in…

Akron speech therapy

How Akron Speech Therapy Can Help With Auditory Processing Disorder

Auditory processing disorder is a condition that is treatable by our pediatric Akron speech therapy team. Early intervention is recommended whenever possible. Kids with auditory processing disorder have a tough time making small distinctions in word sounds. For instance, if…

Cleveland speech therapy kids

Cleveland Speech Therapy: School vs. Private Services

Parents whose children have been referred for Cleveland speech therapy may wonder whether they truly need to seek out private therapy – particularly if they can access services through their child’s school. The answer will certainly depend on a number…

Cleveland feeding & swallowing therapy

Early Intervention Cleveland Feeding & Swallowing Therapy Boosts Long-Term Prognosis

Children with feeding and swallowing disorders are at high risk for substantial health, learning, and social challenges. But when treated early with Cleveland feeding & swallowing therapy in a speech therapy clinic, kids can overcome their unique difficulties and go…

Akron speech therapists learning disabilities

How Akron Speech Therapists Can Help Kids With Learning Disabilities

Learning disabilities are disorders that impact one’s ability to: Understand or use spoken or written language. Complete mathematical calculations and equations. Coordinate movements. Direct attention. Engage in higher-level skills like time planning, abstract reasoning, organization, and long/short-term memory. The term…