Articles by: Therapy & Wellness Connection
Study: Language Delays and Temper Tantrums Linked
Many parents, speech therapists and child development experts have long suspected a correlation between language delays and temper tantrums in young children. Now, a recent study by researchers at Northwestern University supports this. They found that late talkers are twice…
How Occupational Therapy Can Help Treat Children With Sleep Problems
If your child isn’t sleeping well, it impacts not only their daytime functioning, but that of the family at-large. Children with special needs are at increased risk for sleep disorders and sleep disturbances, which can have a major impact on…
Questions to Ask Your Child’s New Cleveland Speech Therapist
When you have a child with speech and communication deficits, it’s important to be a selective consumer of speech therapy services. As a parent, you are your child’s top advocate, and you’re an invaluable part of the “team” that will…
Tips for Eating Out From Our Cleveland Occupational Therapists
Dining at a restaurant – even as a once-in-a-while treat – is a life skill that our Cleveland occupational therapists are dedicated to helping our clients master. Eating out at a restaurant when you have a child with special needs…
Transition Talk: How Speech Therapists Help Kids With Autism Move From One Thing to the Next
Humans are creatures of habit. Even if you’re a person who welcomes change, the fact is, it takes more effort than continuing on as you were. Our speech therapists understand that for a child, being asked to stop one thing…
ABA Therapists: Play-Based, Child-Led Therapy Most Effective in Motivating Kids’ Speech
One of the earliest clues that a child might have autism is a speech delay. As our Akron ABA therapists can explain, children with autism tend to be less socially motivated than their typically-developing peers, which is why many parents’…
All I Want for Christmas is: Sensory Toys! See Akron Occupational Therapists’ Top Picks
If you love a child with autism, ADHD or any condition associated with sensory processing disorder, our Akron occupational therapists have some tips for sensory toy gifts this holiday season. Child development toys are beginning to dominate the toy industry…
ABA Therapy Tips for Thanksgiving for Your Child on the Autism Spectrum
Those of us who work in the ABA therapy field with children on the autism spectrum know that holidays present some special challenges. Children on the spectrum tend to thrive on sameness and routine. Holidays – new food, new people,…
“My Toddler Doesn’t Sit Still, Focus for His Cleveland Speech Therapy”
Occasionally parents are concerned when their toddlers don’t sit still and focus during their Cleveland speech therapy sessions. Sometimes, the concern extends to other settings too. They fear their child isn’t getting the most possible out of whatever the activity,…
5 Ways Our Akron Physical Therapy Helps Children With Down Syndrome
Down syndrome, sometimes called Trisomy 21, is one of the most common chromosomal genetic disorders, affecting approximately 1 in every 700 babies born in the U.S. Most experience developmental and physical delays, and often have several physical conditions that require…