sensory processing disorder

Does My Child Have Sensory Processing Disorder?

By Therapy & Wellness Connection | February 12, 2022

Sensory processing disorder is a condition that has gained increasing recognition in recent years, to some extent because it’s often diagnosed with comorbid conditions like autism spectrum disorder and ADHD. However, as our Brecksville occupational therapists can explain, it can…

Brecksville ABA therapists

Brecksville ABA Therapists Offer “Time-Out” Alternatives

By Therapy & Wellness Connection | February 6, 2022

As Brecksville ABA therapists, our focus is on the study of behavior. When it comes to children with autism and other conditions, the interest is not only on what the challenging behavior is, but what the motivation – or function…

speech-language development

Does Baby Talk Boost Speech-Language Development?

By Therapy & Wellness Connection | February 1, 2022

Over the years, there’s been some debate about whether “baby talk” helps or hinders speech-language development for infants and toddlers. Before our Brecksville speech-language pathologists weigh in, it’s important to note there is a key difference between “baby talk” and…

Brecksville speech therapy

Brecksville Speech Therapy Communication Boosters for Kids Under 5

By Therapy & Wellness Connection | January 14, 2022

Helping small children learn to communicate is something parents innately start virtually from the moment a child is born. But our Brecksville speech therapy team knows that fostering strong speech and language skills sometimes requires acting with a bit more…

Broadview Heights ABA therapy

Broadview Heights ABA Therapy Team Breaks Down the Function of Behavior

By Therapy & Wellness Connection | January 14, 2022

If your child is receiving Broadview Heights ABA therapy (also known as behavior therapy), you’ve likely heard the term “function of behavior.” It’s a common phrase in the field of applied behavior analysis (ABA). As behavior analysts, one of the…

Brecksville early intervention

Neuroplasticity and How it Relates to Brecksville Early Intervention Services

By Therapy & Wellness Connection | January 10, 2022

If your child has been recommended for Brecksville early intervention services, either due to developmental delays or a diagnosis of a condition like autism, Down syndrome, or cerebral palsy, odds are you’ve heard the term “neuroplasticity.” That’s a somewhat intimidating…

Kids social communication Brecksville speech therapists

How Our Brecksville Speech Therapists Help Boost Kids’ Social Communication

By Therapy & Wellness Connection | January 5, 2022

Social communication is the way we use language in social contexts, encompassing social interaction, social cognition, pragmatics and language processing. Our Brecksville speech therapists recognize that while many of us take the “rules” of these exchanges for granted, they can…

social skills groups

How Social Skills Groups Help Children With Disabilities & Delays

By Therapy & Wellness Connection | December 16, 2021

Social skills groups can be an invaluable tool for children who are developmentally delayed or struggle with social and communication skills. It’s particularly valuable for children on the autism spectrum, but can also be pivotal for children, teens, and young…

ABA Therapy Brecksville

When Should Our Child Start ABA Therapy?

By Therapy & Wellness Connection | December 15, 2021

When your child is diagnosed with autism, there are so many unknowns. Families may feel as if they’re drowning in all the decisions with which they’re faced, compounded by the fact that few practitioners speak of long-term outcomes with any…

Brecksville occupational therapy

A Child’s “Occupation” is Play – A Brecksville Occupational Therapy Perspective

By Therapy & Wellness Connection | December 8, 2021

Those first introduced to the world of early intervention therapy are often confused as to why children would need occupational therapy. After all, kids don’t have “occupations,” right? Actually, they do! As our Brecksville occupational therapy practitioners can explain, children’s…