Cleveland ABA Therapy Strategies
Approaches to Cleveland ABA therapy for children with autism can be varied depending on the provider. If your child is on the spectrum and you’ve been referred to behavior therapy by your pediatric specialist, it’s important to talk to the…
“Late Talkers” Who Get Early Intervention Speech Therapy Have Better Long-Term Outcomes
As speech therapy providers, we’re well-acquainted with the fact that “late talkers” can benefit from early intervention. And while there is evidence those who “catch up” continue to be at moderate risk for further speech-language deficits as they get older,…
Can Occupational Therapy Help Kids With ADHD?
Historically, children with ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) have been treated with medications like Ritalin, Adderall, and Dexadrine. But while these medications can be effective for some kids, they can also have significant adverse side effects. For many kids, occupational…
Why Our Cleveland Speech Therapists LOVE Repetitive Picture Books for Kids
Any speech-language pathologist will tell you that pretty much all books are amazing tools for encouraging language development in your child. But when it comes to younger kids, it’s the predictive, repetitive picture books that are best. This is especially…
Speech Therapists Encourage Parents to Read to Kids Early & Often
It’s International Read to Me Day! Our speech therapists know that reading to your kids early and often helps them make tremendous speech & language strides. The Cuyahoga County Library has TONS of great recommendations for amazing children’s books. Repetitive…
ABA Therapy Explainer: What’s a Functional Behavior Assessment?
When your child starts ABA therapy, there are a lot of vocabulary words and acronyms that seem to get thrown around, and it can take some type to truly get a grasp on it all. Functional Behavior Assessment, or FBA,…
Thrive Summer Camp 2022 Registration is Open!
Registration is now open for Thrive Summer Camp 2022, hosted by Therapy & Wellness Connection. Headquartered at our Brecksville pediatric therapy clinic, kids of all ages & abilities are welcome. Camp activities are therapist-led, meaning our speech, occupational, physical, and…
Does My Child Have Sensory Processing Disorder?
Sensory processing disorder is a condition that has gained increasing recognition in recent years, to some extent because it’s often diagnosed with comorbid conditions like autism spectrum disorder and ADHD. However, as our Brecksville occupational therapists can explain, it can…
Brecksville ABA Therapists Offer “Time-Out” Alternatives
As Brecksville ABA therapists, our focus is on the study of behavior. When it comes to children with autism and other conditions, the interest is not only on what the challenging behavior is, but what the motivation – or function…