Akron speech therapists

How Akron Speech Therapists Approach Primary Speech Disorders vs. Secondary Speech Disorders in Kids

Children with speech disorders face unique challenges that can impact their ability to communicate effectively. For parents and caregivers, understanding the nature of these disorders and the potential interventions is key to supporting their child’s speech and language development. One…

Akron speech therapist for kids

New to Speech Therapy? 6 Questions for Your Child’s Akron Speech Therapist

Is your child brand new to speech therapy? Everyone starts somewhere. Here, we offer 6 questions to ask your child’s Akron speech therapist to give you a better understanding of what’s next and how you can best support your child’s…

Cleveland speech therapists

How Cleveland Speech Therapists Contribute to Child Autism Treatment

A recent study published in the journal Pediatrics revealed autism rates in the U.S. have tripled in the last two decades. There is some debate about whether this means the condition is becoming more common or whether we’re just better…

Akron speech therapist

Akron Speech Therapist Tips for That Tricky “R” Sound

“Arrgh, matey!” Did you know the R sound has as many as 32 sound type variations in the English North American accent. As any Akron speech therapists can tell you, R is one of the most commonly used sounds in…

Akron speech therapists learning disabilities

How Akron Speech Therapists Can Help Kids With Learning Disabilities

Learning disabilities are disorders that impact one’s ability to: Understand or use spoken or written language. Complete mathematical calculations and equations. Coordinate movements. Direct attention. Engage in higher-level skills like time planning, abstract reasoning, organization, and long/short-term memory. The term…

speech therapists

Speech Therapists Encourage Parents to Read to Kids Early & Often

It’s International Read to Me Day! Our speech therapists know that reading to your kids early and often helps them make tremendous speech & language strides. The Cuyahoga County Library has TONS of great recommendations for amazing children’s books. Repetitive…

Akron speech therapists

Akron Speech Therapists Use Sign Language For Kids With Communication Difficulties

Sign language isn’t just for the hearing impaired. Many children with speech and language disorders who struggle to express themselves can be taught non-verbal forms of communication. As our Akron speech therapists can explain, this can help kickstart the development…

Akron speech therapists

Identifying Speech Delays in Twins, Triplets and Other Multiples

Numerous studies have established that twins, triplets and other sets of multiples have a higher likelihood of speech delays. (It’s also more common in identical twins and multiples than in fraternal.) Speech and language delays are characterized as a child…

Akron speech therapists

Transition Talk: How Speech Therapists Help Kids With Autism Move From One Thing to the Next

Humans are creatures of habit. Even if you’re a person who welcomes change, the fact is, it takes more effort than continuing on as you were. Our speech therapists understand that for a child, being asked to stop one thing…