Akron feeding & swallowing therapy

“How Does a Speech Therapist Help Babies With Feeding & Swallowing?”

Speech therapists are probably best known for helping children and adults with speech-language disorders. And it’s true – that’s a big part of what we do. But we are also educated and trained specifically to help babies with feeding &…

toddler speech milestones 18 months

Speech Milestones for 18-Month-Olds – From Akron Speech Therapists

Is your toddler’s talking (or lack thereof) concerning you? Is it possible they aren’t reaching the speech milestones they should at 18 months? Our Akron speech therapists always advise parents to always seek professional input if they have concerns. If…

regular speech therapy attendance is important for a child's success

Consistency is Key: Why Regular Speech Therapy Attendance is So Critical to Your Child’s Success

When it comes to speech therapy attendance, consistency really is essential. This is true no matter what the child’s condition or severity level. As our Cleveland speech therapists can explain, while no two children may have the exact same needs…

Brecksville speech therapists

Brecksville Speech Therapists Weigh In on “Late Talkers”: Do They Grow Out of It?

If you’re child is a late talker, maybe you’ve heard the phrase, “He’s just a late bloomer.” You might have even been told not to worry, as they’ll grow out of it. Our Brecksville speech therapists disagree with this advice,…

Cleveland speech therapy

Cleveland Speech Therapy for Kids With Deletion Syndrome

As providers of Cleveland speech therapy, our team at Therapy & Wellness Connection treats children with a broad range of speech-language delays and disorders. One condition that is common – but often underrecognized – and correlated with impaired language development…

preschool language disorders Cleveland

How Cleveland Speech Therapists Help Treat Preschool Language Disorders

Most babies and toddlers will understand what is being communicated with them long before they’re able to clearly communicate back. All kids develop speech and language skills at varied paces, but some struggle more than others with understanding what is…

Brecksville speech therapy

Brecksville Speech Therapy Team on Social Pragmatic Communication Disorder

Our Brecksville speech therapy team have successfully treated many kids with social pragmatic communication disorder. It’s a condition characterized by significant challenges with both verbal and nonverbal communication used regularly in social settings. Social-communication trouble can be associated with other…

Akron speech therapist

Akron Speech Therapist Tips for That Tricky “R” Sound

“Arrgh, matey!” Did you know the R sound has as many as 32 sound type variations in the English North American accent. As any Akron speech therapists can tell you, R is one of the most commonly used sounds in…

Cleveland speech therapists

Cleveland Speech Therapists Offer Activities to Encourage Kids’ Language

May is Better Speech & Hearing Month, and the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders reports 1 in 12 kids age 3-17 in the U.S. has a disorder related to voice, speech, language or swallowing. Our Cleveland speech…

early intervention speech therapy

“Late Talkers” Who Get Early Intervention Speech Therapy Have Better Long-Term Outcomes

As speech therapy providers, we’re well-acquainted with the fact that “late talkers” can benefit from early intervention. And while there is evidence those who “catch up” continue to be at moderate risk for further speech-language deficits as they get older,…