Brecksville ABA therapist

Brecksville ABA Therapist Insight: Autism and Self-Injurious Behavior

By Therapy & Wellness Connection | June 21, 2021

Self-injury isn’t a symptom of autism, strictly speaking. However, as a Brecksville ABA therapist can tell you, it’s certainly a common issue for many families of children on the spectrum. We’re familiar with the fact that certain symptoms, comorbidities and…

Akron occupational therapist handwriting

When Your Child Can’t Write His Name Yet: Tips From an Akron Occupational Therapist

By Therapy & Wellness Connection | June 18, 2021

Even though we live in a world where it seems everything these days is typed, mastering legible handwriting is still an important life skill – starting first and foremost with one’s name. If your child has reached the age of…

Cleveland autism employment coaching

Study: Visual Training Helps Young Adults With Autism Land Employment

By Therapy & Wellness Connection | June 18, 2021

A recent analysis published in the journal Autism found that online, self-guided training may be able to help job-seeking adults with autism land employment. At Therapy & Wellness Connection, we’ve offered vocational services to young adults in Cleveland with autism…

Akron speech therapists

Akron Speech Therapists Use Sign Language For Kids With Communication Difficulties

By Therapy & Wellness Connection | June 9, 2021

Sign language isn’t just for the hearing impaired. Many children with speech and language disorders who struggle to express themselves can be taught non-verbal forms of communication. As our Akron speech therapists can explain, this can help kickstart the development…

Brecksville summer camp

Brecksville Summer Camp Full – Sign Up for Waitlist

By Therapy & Wellness Connection | May 25, 2021

Our Thrive Brecksville summer camp for kids of all ages & abilities is full for the 2021 season! However, we are still encouraging interested families to submit a registration form to be added to our waitlist. The reason is two-fold:…

Brecksville summer camp kids

Let’s ALL Play: Benefits of Inclusive Brecksville Summer Camp for Kids

By Therapy & Wellness Connection | April 19, 2021

Ohio kids eagerly look forward to summer camp every year. It’s a unique opportunity to enjoy beautiful weather, make new friends and mentors, see cool places, learn new skills and leave with a treasure trove of memories. This year, emerging…

Cleveland speech therapy kids

Cleveland Speech Therapy Tips on Teaching Vowel Sounds

By Therapy & Wellness Connection | April 19, 2021

There are only five vowel letters in the English alphabet (six if you count y) but more than 20 vowel sounds we use in everyday speech. Vowels are critical to language, and are among the first babbled by babies when…

Akron occupational therapist

OTR vs. COTA: Choosing the Best Akron Occupational Therapist for Your Child

By Therapy & Wellness Connection | April 18, 2021

April is Occupational Therapy Month. Children who need the assistance of an  Akron occupational therapist may be diagnosed with any number of conditions, from down syndrome to autism spectrum disorder to traumatic injury. The goal of a pediatric occupational therapist…

Akron pediatric speech therapy

Pediatric Speech Therapy: Why Parent Involvement is Key

By Therapy & Wellness Connection | April 5, 2021

They say it takes a village to raise a child. The same principle applies when it comes to pediatric speech therapy. Our Akron speech therapists are committed to working with your child through thick and thin, and we won’t give…

summer camp

Thrive & TWC 2021 Summer Camp Registration Now Open

By Therapy & Wellness Connection | March 15, 2021

  Registration for Thrive & TWC Summer Camp 2021 is now officially open! Our camp is therapist-led with a high staff-to-camper ratio, and kids of all ages & abilities are welcome! New themes and field trips are scheduled for each…