Cleveland speech therapists

Cleveland Speech Therapists on How Feeding Problems Can Become Speech Problems

By Therapy & Wellness Connection | February 20, 2023

When a child has issues with feeding & swallowing, these can often lead to speech & language issues – especially if untreated. The Cleveland speech therapists at Therapy & Wellness Connection treat both kids with feeding and swallowing problems as…

Akron occupational therapy

Akron Occupational Therapy Approaches to Sensory Processing Disorder for Kids With Autism

By Therapy & Wellness Connection | February 18, 2023

As Akron occupational therapy practitioners, we know that for a very long time, sensory processing disorder was conflated with autism. Why? Because it’s so incredibly prevalent among them. One study published in the American Journal of Occupational Therapy further affirms…

hiring registered behavior technicians

What We Look for When Hiring Registered Behavior Technicians for Akron ABA Therapy

By Therapy & Wellness Connection | February 11, 2023

The demand for hiring registered behavior technicians has never been higher. In fact, it’s estimated the profession with have a growth rate of between 12 to 17 percent nationally over the next decade, according to the BACB Board. Registered behavior…

Cleveland speech therapy

Cleveland Speech Therapy for Kids With Deletion Syndrome

By Therapy & Wellness Connection | February 3, 2023

As providers of Cleveland speech therapy, our team at Therapy & Wellness Connection treats children with a broad range of speech-language delays and disorders. One condition that is common – but often underrecognized – and correlated with impaired language development…

Akron ABA therapists

How Our Akron ABA Therapists Work With Occupational Therapists to Provide Kids Optimal Care

By Therapy & Wellness Connection | January 23, 2023

When it comes to treating a child with developmental delays, disabilities, or injuries, it’s important to keep in mind that a child is a whole person. What we mean by that is that when we’re treating a child with complex…

Cleveland occupational therapist

7 Ways a Cleveland Occupational Therapist Can Help Your Child

By Therapy & Wellness Connection | January 22, 2023

If your child has been referred to a Cleveland occupational therapist, you may be wondering why. After all, it’s not as if kids have “occupations” – right? In fact, they do! A child’s occupation is to learn, grow, and play.…

Akron ABA therapy

What Makes Akron ABA Therapy Effective for Kids With Autism?

By Therapy & Wellness Connection | January 19, 2023

Providers of Akron ABA therapy understand well why it’s considered the gold standard for treatment for children with autism spectrum disorder (as well as a few other conditions like Down syndrome). But there are many schools of thought when it…

Akron child speech delays

Speech Delays Higher Among Ohio Kids Whose Early Years Were During Pandemic

By Therapy & Wellness Connection | January 10, 2023

Kids in Ohio (and across the world) who were born or spent some of their earliest years as the COVID-19 pandemic swept the globe are now showing signs of developmental delays. In particular, researchers are noting higher rates of communication…

tactile defensiveness

Tactile Defensiveness Treatment From Our Akron Occupational Therapists

By Therapy & Wellness Connection | December 29, 2022

Tactile defensiveness, sometimes referred to as touch sensitivity, is a type of sensory processing disorder that involves a hypersensitivity to touch. Kids with tactile defensiveness may be extremely uncomfortable with certain sensations that others may not give a second thought:…

Cleveland ABA therapy

How Long Will My Child Need to Be in Cleveland ABA Therapy?

By Therapy & Wellness Connection | December 23, 2022

No two children on the autism spectrum are the same, In turn, the methods, intensity, and duration of the Cleveland ABA therapy they receive will be specifically tailored to the individual. That said, we know many parents want to know…